📕 subnode [[@an_agora@twitter.com/yoga calendars]] in 📚 node [[yoga-calendars]]
  • #push [[yoga calendars]]
    • [[yoga with adriene]]
    • #go https://yogawithadriene.com/calendar/
      • always links to a calendar for the current month
        • [[fwfg]] sessions might require membership, but there's always a full episode link for each day from the archives -- it works very well IMHO.
    • apart from the "rolling calendars" above, [[adriene mishler]] has done several [[30 days of yoga]] programs. below are the ones I know about.
    • #pull [[30 days of yoga]]
      • the first one. good to get started, IIRC! will do it again soon.
      • the first two episodes are above 30 minutes, which might be challenging for beginners. but there's many shorter than that after that.
    • #pull [[yoga camp]]
    • #pull [[yoga revolution]]
      • never done it, just heard of it, it sounds great obviously though so I'm queueing it
    • #pull [[true]]
      • hmm, I think we might have done this one? need to check.
    • #pull [[dedicate]]
      • never done it so far
    • #pull [[home]]
      • we enjoyed this one. Adriene seemed to be going for more of a serious zen vibe -- but sometimes also seemed tired? in any case, solid.
    • #pull [[move]]
    • #pull [[foundations of yoga]]
      • not a calendar, but related: a solid playlist
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